With the expansion in video devices, electronic imaging, network and computer power, storage, and quantity of multimedia data, data mining stands as an ideal process of discovering advanced knowledge from such enormous datasets. But is obtaining information from such multimedia databases easier? Not, as various mining tools need to be operated for obtaining desired results directly from multimedia. And this is where Multimedia Data Mining proves to be a boon for obtaining useful information from such large datasets. New to this concept? Keep scrolling.
Through this blog, let’s learn about Multimedia Data Mining in brief along with its uses.
Multimedia Data Mining – An Introduction
Multimedia is nothing but a subset of data mining. Also referred to as annotation mining or automatic annotation, multimedia mining is generally used for gathering necessary information from various multimedia databases. Mining data from multimedia files require either two or many more types of data like text and video or text, audio, and video.

Multimedia mining is a multifaceted field that assimilates processing and understanding of images, data mining, pattern recognition, and computer vision. The process determines interesting patterns from various multimedia databases which manage and store multimedia objects in large quantities including video data, image data, sequence data, hypertext data, audio data, linkages, text markups, and much more. Multimedia data can be classified into five different categories including image data, text data, video data, audio data, and digital and electronic ink.

Uses of Multimedia Data Mining:
Multimedia mining is evaluating huge amounts of multimedia data for mining patterns on the basis of statistical relationships. Here are the different uses of multimedia mining.
Digital Library: The place where all the digital data is maintained and stored is termed a digital library. And to store every piece or type of data, it is important to convert the file into various information formats like images, texts, audio, video, etc. Data mining techniques are very important at the time of converting files or data into multimedia files and then storing them in the digital library.
Medical Analysis: Multimedia data mining is very essential for the medical analysis of medical images. With the help of various multimedia mining techniques, the process of image classification is carried out. This helps in analyzing, identifying, and auto-localizing X-rays, ECG reports, MRI scans, 3D CT scans, reports of brain tumors, and much more. This has made analyzing medical reports quick and easy.
Traffic Video Sequences: Multimedia mining is also essential for determining essential knowledge or information left unidentified previously from traffic video sequences. With the help of multimedia mining, detailed mining, and analysis is possible based on the traffic flow, queue temporal relations, and identification of the vehicle at the time of intersection. This gives a commercial approach to monitoring the traffic regularly.
Media Making and Broadcasting: Media making and broadcasting include TV channels and radio stations. These broadcasting companies also use multimedia data mining for creating and monitoring the content they broadcast and search for efficient content for making the approaches competent and well-organized. This also improves the data quality wise.
Customer Vision: To your surprise, multimedia mining is also helpful in gathering the opinions, complaints, preferences, and satisfaction levels of the customers for any services or products. It not only helps in collecting the data, but also helps in storing, managing, and analyzing the data for improving the product or service in the future. For this audio data is collected through call centers where executives receive data by making calls to the customers.
Surveillance System: Surveillance system relates to collecting, summarizing, and analyzing videos, audiovisuals, and audio for obtaining information from particular areas like multinational companies, banks, government organizations, shopping malls, agricultural areas, highways, forests, etc. With the help of multimedia mining, the entire process goes smoothly. Again, it is also important for security purposes which makes it an ideal choice for private companies, police, and the military.
Apart from the above-mentioned uses, Multimedia data mining is also popularly used as ICS. Intelligent Content Service is a smart way of storing, recognizing, and managing data and other software services that help in enhancing the relationship between computing systems and information workers. The entire process is carried out by sensing the content, understanding the requests of the user, and recognizing the data or content. Hence, multimedia mining helps in effective and advanced content mining of the given data.
Multimedia data mining is henceforth an effective way of classifying, storing, and managing large multimedia databases. No doubt, there are certain challenges related to multimedia mining, but it is still one of the ideal ways of cubing additional measures and dimensions for multimedia information widely used by various organizations.