Approach of Offline Data Entry

Offline data entry considered as the entry of information to a particular data base according instructions of client the without the usage of any internet service. Once job gets completed it will be sent to the client and payment will be provided based on fixed or hourly rate agreement. Home based data entry is also covers Offline Data Entry.

Home based data entry is finishing an assigned task provided by a job provider like handling information in the computer either in numeric or in text form within a specified time all done while using a personal computer at home. Information generally managed in data entry are survey forms of customers, tracking of credit card as well as debit card transactions, entries for housing, medical, life, and auto related motor claim forms, legal services and the like. This occupation has two major classifications: like online and off-line data entry.

Examples of handling information are filling up offline forms, pdf data convert to excel, reformatting of data to excel and word formats and collecting information from different databases.

Defining Offline Work

Off-line work generally consist of related information being entered into a certain designated database, following detailed instruction of employer without using internet in the process. A pre-set time-frame for work to be finished is usually given.

According to work rule, payment is either based on an hourly rate or fixed. Examples of tasks to be done could be finishing off-line data sheets or forms and/ or it could be reformatting of data into Office formats, as well as collection of related data from different off-line databases.

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